Summer Workout Practice Planner [Free Download]

Summer is a great opportunity to spend some serious time practicing! If you're on break from school, perhaps you have a list of repertoire to tackle before the fall semester begins, or you're using your free time to work on pieces that have been on your to do list for a while.

I'm constantly grappling with the number of exercises and etudes I've gathered over the years, in addition to all the pieces in my library that haven't been thoughtfully practiced yet.

I'm always looking for ways to organize my thoughts onto paper and make sense of a realistic plan to help me feel well-balanced when it comes to practicing.

See how I'm organizing my summer practice below and download your own planner!


Click the button below to download a free PDF to print and use!

TIPS For Using Your Planner

  • The first page contains spaces for fundamentals and ultimately creates 3 different practice scenarios.
  • In the DAILY boxes, write the bare-minimum that you'll commit to each day - the tasks that you're motivated to do daily and help you feel "in shape."
  • The combination of Warm-Up, Tone, and Technique DAILY tasks may equal 20-30 minutes, and should be your basic practice session on the busiest days!
  • The A & B boxes should be the additional materials you'll do in addition to the daily tasks. You can either rotate daily, weekly, or separate your tasks into the first half of your summer and the second half to focus on only a few at a time.
  • The second page contains repertoire, excerpts, etudes, and miscellaneous tasks, and can be divided into two sets. 
  • (For myself, I'm dividing my repertoire into the first 4 weeks, and the second 4 weeks, for example, working on one piece at a time, doing a little bit each day.)

Here's My Own Example:

Want to Track Your Practice Progress?

Happy Practicing!

- Jolene


Are you using the Summer Workout Practice Planner? Share yours on Instagram and tag @joleneflute or use #practiceroomrevelations!


July Inspiration Calendar [Free Download]


Quick Tip: Resonance While Double Tonguing